
Organic Ways To Control Garden Pests

Garden pests are nasty little critters that cause damage to plants and make gardens unappealing. The use of commercially made insecticides and herbicides are common among homeowners and gardeners. But why spend more and risk your health when there are safer, more cost-efficient and organic ways to control garden pests and stop them from hurting your garden?

Consider the following options suggested by a Modesto pest control company:

  • Go organic

Organic homemade insect sprays are safe for your health and the environment, are readily available, and are easy on the pocket. These natural bug-repelling concoctions are household staples and are commonly found in your kitchen cabinets.

Dish soap

The use of dishwashing or detergent soap are effective in warding off sap-sucking insects such as aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, and scales. However, it is important to keep in mind to use mild dish soap that does not contain bleach or degreaser because these are considered harmful to plants.

Chili or hot pepper

The use of chili or pepper sauce is also helpful in eliminating bugs, mites, aphids, and cabbage maggots.

Baking Soda

Baking soda as a fungicide is ideal to use for fungus on plants. When mixed with flour in its powder form, baking soda can kill cabbage worms and crabgrass.

  • Invite beneficial insects to your garden

Attracting insects to live in your garden may provide long-term pest control without the use of toxic chemicals. Beneficial insects come in the form of parasites, predators, pollinators, and decomposers. To lure these insects to your garden, supply them with plenty of food by planting flowering plants and creating a habitat for them.

Plant sunflowers, fennel, lavender, cosmos, clover, and evening primrose to attract the good insects such as the parasitic wasps, honey bees, tachinid flies, lady bugs, and lacewings.

  • Use traps and barriers

If it worked before, it still works today. The use of sticky boards and old-fashioned traps will still do the trick. Place them in hot spots to catch the notorious little critters. The use of covers and barriers are also an effective defense against slugs, cabbage moth, and other pests.

  • Plant “natural” insecticides

Some plants, by nature, are considered insecticides. These plants have essential oils that repel bad insects. The most common insect-repelling plants are basil, lavender, lemongrass, mint, rosemary, and chrysanthemums.

If all else fails and the pest infestation is too bad to handle on your own, it is always best to call in experts to eliminate the pests, treat the infestation, and restore your garden’s glory. Call us today to schedule an appointment!

Organic Ways To Control Garden Pests Professional Pest Control Services in Tracy CA

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