For Rent sign

Who’s Responsible For Pest Control?

Living In A Rental? Who’s Responsible For Pest Control?

Most young people these days live in rental properties. It’s just the more convenient option, particularly for those who don’t really spend most of their time at home because of their jobs and their social life.

Likewise, renting makes for a cheaper lifestyle; rent tends to fit the lower income of young urban professionals. Plus, rental properties come in all sorts of sizes to fit the unique requirements of young tenants.

Despite being the more convenient living arrangement, renting comes with some responsibilities. Protecting the house’s structural integrity is a must. Some rental properties cannot be altered in any way for design or function, and tenants have to comply with this rule. Another important responsibility is maintaining “suitable” living conditions. Certain activities may not be allowed because they could compromise the safety of the dwelling.

With maintaining suitable living conditions, pest control is usually included. Tenants can do their bit in making sure that infestation is prevented. However, hiring professional pest control services is often a toss-up between the landlord and the tenants.

But, who’s responsible for pest control, really?

Should tenants pay for services or should the landlord do so?

In most lease agreements, it’s normally the landlord or property owner that’s stated to be in charge of pest control. According to a Modesto pest control company, seasonal pest control is the full responsibility of the landlord. It is a maintenance requirement and the best strategy for protecting the quality and value of the rental property.

It’s worth noting as well that landlords shoulder this so they can make sure that the pest management tasks carried out meets their standards.

However, if the tenants are responsible for the infestation – say, they failed to maintain a clean house, or they had traveled somewhere and brought home bedbugs – then the landlord can make them take care of pest control. The landlord can hook tenants up with pest control experts to address the situation but they will have to shoulder the service fee, particularly if the exterminators clearly point out that it’s the tenants’ living condition that is attracting the pests.

All in all, determining who’s truly responsible for carrying out pest control measures is dependent on circumstances. For routine pest control, it’s the landlord’s job to pay for pest management services. For infestation due to unsanitary living conditions, this will need to be taken care of by the tenants who fail to keep a home clean. Talk to your trusted Modesto pest control company to learn more.

Who’s Responsible For Pest Control? Professional Pest Control Services in Tracy CA


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