Pest Control Service | Is there Such Thing as Too Much?
When pests invade your home, several questions race through your mind. How did they get into my home? Can I get rid of these by my own? Do I need to call in the professionals?
And when you do hire a Modesto pest control company, one question you might ask is “How often do I need pest control service?“
The answer to that question depends on two crucial factors: where you live and the pest density.
For example, if you live in an area that is frequently infested by common pests like cockroaches, a bi-monthly service is enough to keep these uninvited guests at bay. On the other hand, if you live in the northeast, you can opt for a quarterly service. If you live in a warmer region where pests like ants can be difficult to control and are persistent, you may need a monthly service. Generally, you should have your home serviced by a pest control company at least every six months. The interval between each visit will depend on the unique situation of your home.
Why should you opt for a bi-monthly service? Simply put, it is the most effective and economical option for most households. Here, a pest control professional will visit your premises to conduct a thorough inspection of every area of your property and perform the necessary services. This will give your home, business or office sufficient protection against common pests like cockroaches, spiders, ants, silverfish, wasps, and earwigs.
How Long will the Pest Control Service Last?
Another reason why a bi-monthly service is ideal for most properties is because most pesticides work up to two months after application. When a pest control professional visits your property every other month, your home or office is given ample protection against pests.
During the initial visits of the pest control company, common pests that have infested your home should be eliminated. Afterwards, the company will then take a preventive approach. Although the areas that were previously infested will still be given special attention, the overall approach will be anchored on prevention. This means that the exterior of your property will also receive special attention.
Advantage of Bi-monthly Service
Another advantage of a bi-monthly service is that you can call in the pest control company if you still experience problems with pests in between each service visit at no extra cost.
Isn’t a monthly service better? In most cases, no. A monthly service often results in more treatment than is necessary. Plus, you can end up paying more than you should.
To set up your pest control service contact the Stockton pest control professionals at AAI Pest Control today!
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