How long does pest control treatment last?

How Long Does Pest Control Treatment Last?

How long does pest control treatment last?

When you give us a call at AAI Pest Control for a pest control treatment, you’ll most likely ask, “how long does pest control treatment last?” Pest control experts explain that the longevity of pest control treatments vary based on the type of pest you have. Not every pest is treated the same, which is why the answer varies. Tougher insects like termites require a more adequate form of treatment, unlike ants. So to answer your question, we need to discuss the many different types of pest control treatments and how long they typically last.

How long does general pest control treatment last?

General pest control includes the extermination of everyday insects you can find in and around your home. These insects are spiders, moths, roaches, silverfish, roly-poly, etc. When you ask our pest control technicians to visit your home or business for a general pest control treatment, they will spray the baseboards and sometimes the exterior of your home to help pests stay away. This treatment should last a few months. Our team will visit you annually for treatment to ensure that your property stays protected.

How long does ant treatment last?

A few ants here and there doesn’t seem like a big deal at the time. But when you get an ant infestation, the problem becomes harder to fix for a pest control company. Like many pest control treatments, they don’t last forever. When it comes to an ant infestation, AAI Pest control will need to visit your home or business regularly to ensure that the ants do not return. We suggest monthly visits depending on the severity of the ant infestation. Our team will work hard to locate the source of the ants to prevent future infestation problems. Once we have the pests under control, we suggest quarterly visits from a pest control company.

How long does bed bug treatment last?

Bed bugs are one of the hardest pests to treat in California. Pest control experts must use a specialized treatment to eliminate the bed bug infestation. The treatment should last if the source of the infestation is treated. But a majority of the time, bed bugs are brought into your home without your knowledge. Our technicians will identify the source and treat the infestation, but this does not guarantee that bed bugs will stay out of your home forever. We recommend buying unused furniture and maintaining a clean environment. If you think you may have bed bugs in your home, contact AAI Pest Control immediately.

Need a pest control treatment?

No matter what pest control treatment you need, AAI Pest Control is always here to help. Give us a call, and our pest control team will gladly give your home or business a visit.

How Long Does Pest Control Treatment Last Professional Pest Control Services in Tracy CA?

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